Terminal Provocations
It turns out that after nearly twenty years of not having any new CE Gundam series, and then making a CE Gundam movie, fans both eastern and western want more CE Gundam. The man, the myth, the Fukuda seems to agree. It's time for Zero, and not Geass.

Infinite Waltz
In the twenty years since Gundam SEED was last on the air, there has been a lot of new and interesting Gundam. But don't let that stop Bandai and Sunrise from cashing in on some nostalgia. /m/en and wo/m/en, fest your eyes on Gundam 00:SEED-Endless Waltz, or something. Even Cagalli is skeptical.

Cagalli is Crying and Other Bedtime Stories
Somehow, Gundam SEED has returned, and like old sith lords, it will likely be underwhelming and completely undermined by a Mary Sue.