It’s that time of the year again, when I let my power level go for three days among crowds of loud, obnoxious, and smelly weeaboos PRETTY NICE FOLKS for a convention called Katsucon. I play the part of the awesome regular staff guy in Art Show, which I believe is now located in or near Artist’s Alley and Dealer’s Room (collectively known as the Exhibit Halls, or Prince George’s Exhibit Hall B and C) so you have easy access to not only see what’s in the show, but hop over to the artist’s tables and buy some of their wares. Being my ninth year in attendance and eighth staffing, I imagine I will see some familiar faces again this year and hopefully some new faces, and artwork.

So if you’re going to the show and are an artist, bring some of your work and enter it into the show. We’d love to have more artwork than before, and especially if you got something from a show that has aired recently (read: I WILL BUY YOUR SHIT, SERIOUSLY, CREDIT CARD IS IN SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY MODE)
I’ll be the guy in various Woot shirts with glasses probably sitting down because standing is for suckers, and there will likely be something snarky taped to my netbook. So if you’re in the area, stop on by and say hi, and if you’re wearing an especially awesome cosplay outfit, especially from something I like, stop on by. If you’re cosplaying Hikaru from Angelic Layer and you are a girl (seriously, I ran into a guy cosplayed as Hikaru at Otakon 2002, I didn’t want to live on this planet anymore.) then PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP ON BY.
Everyone else, as you were.