Unfinished Business
Rick and Morty 100 years! Or at least maybe ten minutes.
Hot Tomato Soup
Just when you thought stuffing a girl into a dog was terrible parenting, hold your UDP packets, Prospera Mercury has joined the battle.
Move Quadralateral Gain Pineapple
What if you made a Gundam series about school days, capitalism, AND war is bad? BUT WAIT-- THERE'S MORE--
Initials D Through MF and O
Two car animes in one season, and one of them is the legendary sequel to Initial D? Boy, I'm at FULL mast.
Cagalli is Crying and Other Bedtime Stories
Somehow, Gundam SEED has returned, and like old sith lords, it will likely be underwhelming and completely undermined by a Mary Sue.
The Resurrection: Part Three
The blog is back. But what does an almost-forty-year-old man do with a goddamn weeb blog?