So I’ve been largely out-of-commission this past month, due in part to physical and completely bullshit reasons. The fall months leading up to the holiday season are fun around here, because my wife loves those sorts of things. But with this house, and the region of the country I live in, I get to deal with leaves, and lots of them. Besides that, there was the Extra Life marathon which I completed, GamerGate which is complete bullshit and you shouldn’t even bother with, and the fact that outside of a few shows, I haven’t gotten into this season fully yet. Here is to hoping it ramps up by halftime.
So here are the last four previews I forgot to post weeks ago. World Trigger has been removed from my watchlist. It was boring.

“Too Manly for Television”
As best as I could get from the first episode, it seemed like we were given another Akuma no Riddle, but instead we replaced the emotionally weak female lead with the EYE OF THE PATRIARCHY male. If that doesn’t get your jimmies rustled, he struts his shit around campus without any lewd contact whatsoever, and commands himself verbally as a perfect gentleman.
Gaze upon his face of steel, ye nerds, and find salvation. Grisaiaman is our shining beacon of hope. Nothing touches his indestructible poker face presumably made out of tungsten alloys and old Nokia phones, and witness the generic harem tropes shatter upon impact when collided against it. His very existence openly denies the bullshit unfolding all around him.
First Rating: 8
Sub Group: Chihiro

“Another show to remind Japanese males marriage is cool even when you like pillow waifus.”
First and foremost, Danna Waka is a short show, so each episode is only three and a half minutes long. It’s basically a normal girl married to an otaku guy, and the hilarity that may ensue. It’s pretty much my wife in a nutshell, not understanding why I am a sad sack of shit who engages in a bunch of pointless nerd hobbies all day and every day. The stories seem to range from normal marriage-type things, to cross-dressing younger brothers, which I do not have. So there’s that.
First Rating: 7
Sub Group: Chyuu-Migoto

“Erio Touwa: The Early Years”
If anime really wanted to fuck with our heads, it would suggest that Sora no Method is the prequel to Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, after Erio (then Noel) inadvertently reforms the world after being unable to reconnect with the people she first encountered.
There, I wrote a better story for you.
Naw, Sora no Method actually is pretty good on its own, and it continues this season’s need for childhood friends stories we get more often than naught now thanks to AnoHana. I skipped out on Glasslip last season, so I have no good reliable way to say how long I’ll stick on this. So far though, it doesn’t involve a stupid hipster.
First Rating: 7
Sub Group: HorribleSubs

“Madoka meets Vividred Operation”
Angel Beats and Arpeggio director Seiji Kishi decided to go Full SHAFT with this one, combining the concept of Madoka’s strange background visuals with Vividred’s GREAT YOU’RE A HERO NOW system to make some kind of magical girl system that works on Verizon. First impressions? Not terrible. But where Madoka’s complex charm got lost in the visuals, and Vividred was just plain badly executed, Yuki Yusha has a lot to live up to if it’s going to go places. Personally, I’m expecting the Angel Beats ending.
First Rating: 7
Sub Group: HorribleSubs