TLDR Animu: The Wiki


Announcing a new addition to the tldranimu domain,, a new wiki based in MediaWiki whose purpose will be to collect everything I’ve watched ever and present it in a streamlined wikipedia-like format along with relevant images and media. The goal was to make a companion to the blog that can be referenced and searched a tad easier than my jumbled mess of a blog, what with my changing writing styles and all.

Details and rules inside.

As it is based in MediaWiki, folks familiar with Wikipedia won’t have too much trouble navigating around. The concept of the wiki is built around Templates and Portals. Right now, although I have the framework together for the many portals that will serve all of the content, I have yet to get all of the portal pages together, so you will see a lot of red links. I’ve watched a lot of shit, and reviewed a lot of shit, so all of this will not come together in the short-term, it will take me many weeks, perhaps months, to put everything together. I am starting with the current season of anime and working backwards until I get to the end of where I started on the blog, and then I will slowly start to tackle my master list. Since I can only work on articles during evenings and weekends, I estimate it will take most of the year to complete this, but it will be worth trying.

It even looks good on mobile!
It even looks good on mobile!

Now, the savvy of you might notice there are no edit permissions for anonymous users, or registered users. At this point and time, I decided this will be a one-man operation with respect to page creation, editing, and move/deletion. I don’t have the means to police for vandalism, and since I want each page content structured a certain way, I cannot have others potentially ruining it. I have, however, allowed talk pages and user pages to be freely edited, so if you choose to register, you will be able to edit your own user page, and you will also be able to use any page’s talk page to offer suggestions, comment on what you see, or whatever purpose you wish. I very much welcome others to participate in the project, and perhaps at some point in the future I might look for more admins to help run the site, but for now, it’s strictly me. Apologies in advance.

That said, I will post more about it as I continue to assemble all of the pages and portals, hopefully by this time next month (and days before my wedding) I’ll have most of the past five years of what I’ve watched built out, and go from there.

Else, I will dump it in a lake and move to Canada, after changing my name to Countess von Fingerbang. Who are you, Comrade Questions?

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